This chart, sourced from the Bank of International Settlements, offers a comparative view of currency movements relative to the US...
Explore our interactive map detailing the average daily wage rates for rural Indian men, updated to the latest available data.
Explore the monthly trends in External Commercial Borrowings (ECB) for the top 30 company groups, visualized in a clear and...
This chart plots monthly AUC trends for clients anging from Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs) to Corporates and Trusts, captured in...
This visualization provides a year-by-year breakdown of ownership percentages across various entities including commercial banks, insurance companies, and pension funds.
Dive into the diversified pathways of Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI) in India with our detailed interactive dashboard.
Explore the nuances of Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI) in India with our advanced, interactive dashboard.
Access a comprehensive overview of India's economic health through our interactive dashboard showcasing RBI's key economic indicators.
Dive into the evolving landscape of Central Government Treasury Bill ownership with our interactive dashboard.
Delve into the intricacies of India's economic performance with our dynamic dashboard, which offers a detailed view of GDP and...