The chart provide a comprehensive view of India's GST collection and refunds, broken down by states.
This visualization presents a monthly analysis of India's trade in goods, categorized into energy (oil) and non-energy (non-oil) items.
This chart provides a comprehensive overview of India's CPI inflation trends across major categories like housing, food, and transportation etc.
This chart provides a detailed analysis of the Government of India's non-tax revenue trends categorized by various components.
This chart provides a detailed trend analysis of the central government's revenue and capital expenditure, covering key areas.
This chart showcases the cumulative trends in major subsidies provided by the central government, including food, fertilizer, petroleum etc.
This chart provides a cumulative analysis of the central government's financing patterns, covering domestic and external financing, market borrowing etc.
This chart displays a detailed monthly breakdown of the central government's accounts, covering revenue and capital receipts, expenditure, deficit etc.
Analysis of outstanding credit across states in India, covering loans of various types with classifications by population group, bank type,...